各类聚四氟乙. 烯制品已在化工、机械、电子、电器、航天、环保和桥梁等国民经济领域中起到了举足轻重的作用。
PTFE美国杜邦7A X外观标准:
Zonyl MP1100(4微米)
ZonylMP1100氟添加剂是一种白色的自由流动的PTFE粉末,旨在作为其他材料中的添加剂使用,以提供低表面自由能和其他氟聚合物特性。特别重要的是,已有发现证明它非常适用于油墨和涂层应用,这些应用对颗粒的均匀性有一定要求。与塑料和弹性体一起使用时,还可增强润滑性能和耐磨损性能。如果将其加入润滑剂中,可以增强严苛条件性能。Zonyl?MP1100可应用于–190到250°C (–310到480°F)的温度条件。
Zonyl MP1200(3微米)
使用,以提供低表面自由能和其他氟聚合物特性。特别重要的是,已有发现证明它非常适用于油墨和涂层应用,这些应用对颗粒的均匀性有一定要求。与塑料和弹性体一起使用时,还可增强润滑性能和耐磨损性能。如果将其加入润滑剂中,可以增强严苛条件性能。ZonylMP1200可应用于–190到250°C (–310到480°F)的温度条件。
DuPont Fluoropolymers
Teflon ® PTFE 7A X is a white powder with small particle size and high bulk density. The small particle size of Teflon ® PTFE 7A X helps to minimize voids even at relatively low molding pressures. High bulk density increases the size of moldings possible from a given mold or press opening. Teflon ® PTFE 7A X is preferred for large moldings, such as billets, requiring optimum mechanical and electrical properties. It is also used in a mixture with fillers when they are added to modify the mechanical properties of moldings. Properly processed products made from neat Teflon ®PTFE 7A X provide the superior properties typical of the fluoroplastic resins: retention of properties after service at 260 °C (500 °F), useful properties at -240 °C (-400 °F), chemical inertness to nearly all industrial chemicals and solvents, and low friction and anti-stick surfaces. Dielectric properties are outstanding and stable with frequency and temperature. Molded products have moderate stiffness and high elongation.
Teflon ® PTFE 7A X resists ignition and does not promote flame
spread. When ignited by flame from other sources, the contribution of heat is small and with little smoke. Statements, or data, regarding behavior in a flame situation are not intended to reflect hazards presented by this or any other material when under actual fire conditions.
Typical Applications
Many end products are fabricated from moldings of Teflon ® PTFE 7A X, including skived film and sheet, gaskets, packings, mechanical seals, bridge or pipeline bearing pads, shaft bearings, electrical insulators, piston rings, expansion bellows, diaphragms, and chemical linings. The use of fillers provides a wide choice of modified mechanical properties.
黄卡编号 | E54681-244684 |
特性 | 低摩擦系数 低烟度 刚性,良好 抗溶剂性 耐化学性良好 食品接触的合规性 延高的拉伸率 |
用途 | 薄膜 衬里 电子绝缘 垫圈 隔膜 密封件 密封装置 片材 轴承 |
机构评级 | FDA 21 CFR 177.1550 |
外观 | 白色 |
形式 | 粉状 |
加工方法 | 烧结 压缩模塑 |
比重 | 2.15 | g/cm³ | ASTM D4894, ISO 12086 |
表观密度 | 0.46 | g/cm³ | ASTM D4894, ISO 12086 |
含水量 | |||
-- | % | ASTM D4894 | |
-- | % | ISO 12086 | |
平均颗粒尺寸 | |||
-- | 34 | µm | ASTM D4894 |
-- | 34 | µm | ISO 13320 |
Thermal Instability Index | |||
-- | ASTM D4894 | ||
-- | ISO 12086 |
抗张强度 (0.130 mm) | 34.5 | MPa | ASTM D4894, ISO 12086 |
伸长率 (断裂, 0.130 mm) | 380 | % | ASTM D4894, ISO 12086 |
熔融温度 | ISO 12086, ASTM D4894 | ||
-- 1 | 317 到 337 | °C | ISO 12086, ASTM D4894 |
-- 2 | 334 到 354 | °C | ISO 12086, ASTM D4894 |