南安市晋江市长城中石化导轨油批发戴理 136-262-48108 张先生
产品可根据市场和用户的要求量身定做;检测设备先进、齐全,试验方法严谨,可靠。导轨油的有效物质含量达82.13,是一款等级为;中级的化工类产品,由于产品主要以液态的形式呈现,我们是采用170kg/桶的方式装配的。 导轨油长城润滑油东莞销量好的润滑油[产品性能] 产品典型数据项目 DAH32 DAH46 试验方法运动黏度(40℃),mm2/s 29.15 45.98 GB/T 265倾点,℃ -17 -19 GB/T3535闪点(开口),℃ 234 241 GB/T3536腐蚀试验(铜片,100℃,3h), 1a 1a GB/T5096老化特性:( 200℃,空气,三氧化二铁)蒸发损失,% 4.5 1.2 SH/T0192康氏残炭增值,% 0.33 0.79/td>减压蒸馏蒸出80%后残留物性质; GB/T9168a.残留物康氏残炭,% 0.01 0.01 GB/T268b.新旧油40℃运动黏度之比 2.1 2.5 GB/T265Hydraulic rail oil characteristics:-Good lubrication to prevent crawling-Good wear resistance and reduced wear
-Good adhesion, less mixed with metal processing fluids
-Good anti-oxygen, anti-rust and anti-corrosion properties
-Good rubber adaptability and effective protection of hermetic materials
Main Products:
Mechanical oil anti-wear hydraulic turbine oil gear oil hydraulic drive oil bearing hydraulic guide oil diesel oil grease general grease lithium base butter extreme pressure lithium brake oil empty pressure oil worm worm gear oil