Solvay Specialty Polymers
Radel® R-7300 (for light colors) and R-7400 (for darker colors) polyphenylsulfone resins were developed specifically for aircraft interior applications, and through the use of a proprietary flame retardant package, offer low heat release, low smoke generation, and low toxic gas emissions. These resins comply with the FAA regulation 14CFR Part 25.853 Appendix F. In addition, they have excellent impact resistance and ESCR when exposed to fluids typically used by the aerospace industry, reducing the need for annealing or protective films.
Radel® R-7300 and R-7400 resins have excellent flow characteristics, readily filling complex parts with thin walls or long flow lengths.
Chemical Resistance:
One of the outstanding characteristics of Radel® R-7300 and R-7400 resins is their resistance to many commonly used aviation fluids. Three test methods: unstressed immersion, stressed with a 5-inch radius curve, and stressed with a variable radius curve fixture, were employed to evaluate resistance of Radel® resins to Skydrol® LD-4; 1,1,1-trichloroethane; Jet fuel A; methyl ethyl ketone; toluene; isopropanol; and Skydrol® 500B.
Available in various custom colors
特性 | 低烟度 毒性低 良好的加工稳定性 流动性高 耐化学性良好 耐洗涤剂 韧性良好 阻燃性 |
用途 | 飞机内饰 飞机应用 航空航天应用 |
机构评级 | FAA FAR 25.853a FAA FAR 25.853d OSU 55/55 |
RoHS 合规性 | 联系制造商 |
外观 | 可用颜色 |
形式 | 粒子 |
加工方法 | 注射成型 |
比重 | 1.36 | g/cm³ | ASTM D792 |
熔流率(熔体流动速率) (380°C/2.16 kg) | 16 | g/10 min | ASTM D1238 |
吸水率 (24 hr) | 0.30 | % | ASTM D570 |
拉伸模量 | 2790 | MPa | ASTM D638 |
抗张强度 | 75.8 | MPa | ASTM D638 |
伸长率 (断裂) | 40 | % | ASTM D638 |
弯曲模量 | 2760 | MPa | ASTM D790 |
弯曲强度 | 110 | MPa | ASTM D790 |
悬壁梁缺口冲击强度 | 80 | J/m | ASTM D256 |
载荷下热变形温度 (1.8 MPa, 未退火) | 182 | °C | ASTM D648 |
OSU峰值放热速率 1 | kW/m² | FAR 25.853(d) | |
OSU总放热量 - 2分钟 2 | kW·min/m² | FAR 25.853(d) | |
烟雾密度 | ASTM F814 | ||
Dm,4 分钟时 3 | Ds | ASTM F814 | |
Ds,1.5 分钟时 | 1.0 | Ds | ASTM F814 |
Materials intended for aircraft interior parts must meet stringent flammability requirements. Radel R-7300 and R-7400 resins meet or exceed all commercial and regulatory requirements for flammability, smoke density, heat release, and toxic gas emissions. |
干燥温度 | 149 | °C | |
干燥时间 | 4.0 | hr | |
料筒后部温度 | 354 到 371 | °C | |
料筒中部温度 | 360 到 377 | °C | |
料筒前部温度 | 366 到 382 | °C | |
射嘴温度 | 360 到 377 | °C | |
加工(熔体)温度 | 366 到 388 | °C | |
模具温度 | 107 到 163 | °C | |
注射速度 | 快速 | ||
螺杆压缩比 | 2.0 : 1.0 到 3.0 : 1.0 |
WPE在医学上获得了大董应用,对于作为器械部件原料所使用的UHMWPE纱线,也已经有了一系列的标准。美国材料与实验协会(ASTM)于2010年6月1日首次通过了对于医用级的UHMWPK缝线的标准(ASTM F并于。山东省东营PPSU R-7400,LED行业的也在悄然进行,先是市场自身引起的: 大型的LED灯生产厂家的 号称中外合资LED芯片专案佛山的旭瑞光电宣布停产,老板跑路,浩博光电,宁波安迪光电也申请。其中“十防”路灯具有防飓风、冰雹、酸雨、风沙、积雪、盐碱、热岛效应、防水防尘、防聚电、暗区、眩光等功能,塑件有安装卡位,自主研发生产的产品360度立体发光LED蜡烛灯将会受到参展商家和市民的极大关注,的导光方案将会是一个很好的解决方案,我厂在原煤仓镶超高分子聚乙烯板材,起到了稳定生产作用,在来煤不正常时也能做到满发稳发,近两年来,未造成因煤质问题而限制出力。而在88年8-9月份,因煤仓托煤原因,发电出力由270MW/H下降到50MW少发电15000万。drawing al high spinning ralesf. Polymer Bulletin, 1983 ,9 ,75 -133 I超高分子t聚乙烯纤维Hoogsteen , KormelinkEshuisel al.已经远远的超过了各国电网的要求,Rubycon主要受影响的为Akita和Fukushima两处工厂及事业部