在进行高铁栏板挂板钢模板的使用的时候,将模具整体平放在地上,在灌料口的位置进行钢筋网的放置,放置的钢筋要凸出来一部分,方便与其他的混凝土制品进行连接,使连接的更加的紧密,模板底部的形状就像是一个台阶,是由加工好的两块板拼接而成的,中间是空心的,需要在模具的内侧全部进行混凝土的浇筑,将遮板制作成实心的,这样才能保证混凝土制品使用的效果。The template can also be customized according to customer needs. Generally, the size of anti-collision walls used in cities is relatively small, mainly for protection and aesthetics. High speed anti-collision walls used on highways are larger in size than those used in cities, and the upper part contains steel bars, making the anti-collision effect more obvious.