现浇水泥框架梁定型塑料模板在混凝土浇筑时需要注意振捣和防止混凝土渗漏,保证混凝土的均匀性和密实性,以及在浇筑后及时进行养护等。,可根据客户需求定制多种不同尺寸和形状的模具。我们的一次成型模具质量稳定、工艺先进,可以帮助用户提高工程施工效率,以保证工程的持久稳定性。During the pouring of concrete, attention should be paid to vibration and preventing concrete leakage, ensuring the uniformity and compactness of the concrete, as well as timely maintenance after pouring., We can customize various molds of different sizes and shapes according to customer needs. At the same time, our one-time molding molds have stable quality and advanced technology, which can help users improve construction efficiency and ensure the lasting stability of the project