新泰市DHL国际快递 新泰市DHL国际快递邮寄中心 取件上门

新泰市DHL国际快递 新泰市DHL国际快递邮寄中心 取件上门


  DHL Express 是全球的国际快递服务提供商,在 Great Place to Work® 年度榜单中被评为欧洲工作场所名。Great Place to Work® 与经济学人集团合作的这一表彰是对公司对其员工的巨大投资的认可。DHL快递公司,排在第10届,去年显著提升其在过去一年中,以积极和支持的工作环境的承诺。

  “我们很高兴我们与所有员工一起成功地创造了的工作场所。这一旅程无疑是一场马拉松而不是冲刺——被公认为工作场所是持续关注共同营造激励、重视和发展我们员工的环境的结果,”欧洲 DHL Express 执行官 Alberto Nobis 说. “我们的员工做得非常出色,并且已经证明他们超越了自己,尤其是在过去的 1.5 年里。在整个大流行期间,他们一直在促进全球贸易并支持我们开展业务的社区。他们的动力源于我们长期以来的认可文化,这也反映在我们员工的满意度上。人是我们业务的核心。”

  DHL Express 非常重视员工的工作。这就是该公司每年为其全球员工投资数千万欧元的原因。该公司的众多举措尤其受到好评:例如,“DHL's Got Heart”举措使员工能够支持他们热衷的事业,“DHL4her”计划支持和鼓励女性。一个全面的学习计划,“国际认证专家”(CIS),为员工提供他们每天提供客户服务所需的知识。通过这些和其他举措,DHL 不断改善其员工的工作条件。

  “我们清楚地看到投资于我们的员工的重要性。我们的指导原则“连接人。“改善生活”适用于我们的客户和我们的员工,”DHL Express 欧洲人力资源gaoji副总裁 Farnaz Ranjbar 说。“对我们来说,不仅要认可我们员工的承诺,还要鼓励它,这一点至关重要。赞赏是一种巨大的动力,我们为我们的举措和人力资源工作的发展以及我们的员工喜欢与我们合作而感到自豪。”

  要被公认为“欧洲工作场所?”,公司必须参加 Great Place to Work 的工作场所? 国家名单。这种认可基于员工在信任、创新、公司价值观和领导力方面的经验的机密调查数据。公司还根据他们创造 For All? 工作场所体验的程度进行评分,该体验包括所有员工,无论他们是谁或他们做什么。今年,COVID-19 将焦点放在雇主和雇员的身心健康上。

  “The Best Workplaces in Europe? 为各行各业的员工树立了新的关怀标准,”Great Place to Work® 执行官迈克尔 C.布什说。“这些公司的是那种以支持员工需求而自豪的。他们创造了灵活的工作环境,让任何人都可以茁壮成长,无论他们是谁或为企业做什么。祝贺 2021 年欧洲工作场所 ”

  DHL Express, the world's leading international express service provider, has been named as the number one best workplace in Europe in the Great Place to Work® annual list. This recognition from Great Place to Work® in collaboration with The Economist Group acknowledges the company's tremendous investment in its employees. DHL Express, ranked 10th last year, significantly improved its commitment to a positive and supportive work environment during the past year.

  “We are delighted that we – together with all our employees – succeeded in creating the best possible workplace. This journey has certainly been a marathon and not a sprint – being recognized as the best place to work is the result of a sustained focus on jointly building an environment that motivates, values and develops our people," said Alberto Nobis, CEO Europe DHL Express. "Our employees are doing an outstanding job and have proven to go above and beyond, especially over the last 1.5 years. Throughout the pandemic, they have been enabling global trade and supporting communities we operate in. Their motivation stems from our longstanding culture of recognition, which is also reflected in our employee satisfaction. People are at the heart of our business.”

  DHL Express attaches great importance to value the work of its employees. That's why the company invests tens of millions of euros annually in its employees around the world. The company's numerous initiatives are particularly well received: The "DHL's Got Heart" initiative, for example, enables employees to support causes they are passionate about, and the "DHL4her" program supports and encourages women. A comprehensive learning program, "Certified International Specialist" (CIS), equips employees with the knowledge they need to deliver outstanding customer service every day. With these and other initiatives, DHL is constantly improving the working conditions of its employees.

  “We clearly see the importance of investing in our people. Our guiding principle ‘Connecting People. Improving Lives’ applies to our customers and our employees,” says Farnaz Ranjbar, Senior Vice President HR Europe, DHL Express. “It is vital to us to not only recognize the commitment of our employees but also to encourage it. Appreciation is a great motivator, and we are proud of how our initiatives and HR efforts have evolved and our employees enjoy working with us.”

  To be recognized as a 'Best Workplace in Europe?', companies must participate in Great Place to Work's Best Workplaces? national lists. This recognition is based on confidential survey data that assesses employee experience in trust, innovation, company values and leadership. Companies are also rated on how well they create a For All? workplace experience that includes all employees, regardless of who they are or what they do. This year, COVID-19 put the spotlight on physical and mental wellbeing for both employers and employees.

  “The Best Workplaces in Europe? have set a new standard of care for employees across a variety of industries,” said Michael C. Bush, CEO of Great Place to Work®. “These companies are led by the type of leaders who pride themselves on supporting the needs of their employees. They create flexible working environments where anyone can thrive, no matter who they are or what they do for the business. Congratulations to the Best Workplaces in Europe? in 2021.”

2023-11-24 07:08