The IOM is an inter-governmental organization dedicated to promoting humane and orderly migration, with 173 member states, nine states holding observer status and offices in over 100 countries. The IOM works to ensure the orderly and humane management of migration, promote international cooperation on migration issues, assist in the search for practical solutions to migration problems and provide humanitarian assistance to migrants in need, including refugees and internally displaced people.
Throughout this pandemic and beyond, DHL Global Forwarding is committed to track, comprehend, and comply with essential and increasing rules and regulations for the storage, transportation, and delivery of pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, biological products, and patient-specific treatments. This past December, DHL started the international distribution of COVID-19 vaccine. For the provision of its citizens, the government of Israel received the first batch of the vaccine with flights operated by DHL Express and DHL Global Forwarding. DHL Global Forwarding also dedicated a charter flight for additional supplies of vaccine doses with more to follow. Additionally, DHL Global Forwarding delivered the first batch of COVID-19 vaccines to Singapore. DHL Global Forwarding arranged for the collection of the vaccines from the manufacturing site in Puurs, Belgium, where the cargo was accompanied by security escorts on the road to the Brussels International Airport. The cargo arrived at Singapore’s Changi International Airport on December 21 where DHL handled the customs clearance and final delivery to a designated location in Singapore. The company will also handle the return of these special shipper boxes to Europe.
世界贸易的积极前景继续改善。DHL 全球贸易晴雨表从 1 月份新创建的指数最初发布时的 64 点上升至 3 月份的 66 点。DHL 全球贸易晴雨表的指数值明显高于 50,继续表明未来三个月内全球贸易将实现稳健的正增长。此外,增长表明增长势头正在增强。
总体良好的前景也反映在贸易晴雨表显示七个组成国中每一个国家的贸易活动都增加的事实上。与 1 月份的调查结果相比,全球指数的改善主要是受到韩国和美国贸易前景日益乐观的推动。相比之下,德国贸易的前景在 2017 年出现强劲峰值后有所缓和。印度的总体贸易预测指数继续在所有七个国家中排名,而英国在自 1 月以来略有下降后,得分相同由于中国处于国家排名的低端。
空运和海运贸易的发展略有不同。与 1 月份相比,全球航空贸易前景略有下降 -1 点,但仍然非常乐观,为 70。全球航空贸易前景被推低,尤其是德国和韩国的航空贸易增长预计将放缓。从好的方面来看,中国和美国的航空贸易增长预计将加速。
与此同时,全球海洋贸易前景从 1 月份的 60 点提高至 3 月份的 63 点。这一增长也受到美国和中国的推动,加上韩国的强劲增长,抵消了英国和德国海洋贸易增长前景略有下降的影响。