- 发布商家
- 天津市星云新材料有限公司
- 联系人
- 段志辉(先生)
- 手机
- 18622344552
- 微信
- 18622344552
- 价格
- ¥260.00/千克
- 品牌
- 美国科慕
- 包装
- 25KG/包
- 产地
- 美国科慕
Tefzel® 美国科慕ETFE HT-2202 卡扣 管材应用 乙烯四氟乙烯共聚物Generic Name: 乙烯四氟乙烯共聚物 (ETFE) - 提供方: The Chemours CompanyDescriptionTefzel ™ ETFE HT-2202 is a special-purpose fluoroplastic resin available in 2.5-mm (0.1-in) pellets. Tefzel ™ ETFE HT-2202 is a modified ETFE resin designed to promote adhesion between polyamide resins and ETFE resins.Tefzel ™ ETFE HT-2202 and the other Tefzel ™ fluoroplastics are melt processible, modified copolymers of ethylene and tetrafluoroethylene. They are high-performance resins that can be processed at relatively high rates compared with fluorocarbon resins. They are mechanically tough and offer an excellent balance of properties.Tefzel ™ ETFE HT-2202 is an easy-to-process adhesive material. Tefzel ™ ETFE HT-2202 is inert to most solvents and chemicals, hydrolytically stable, and weather-resistant. Recommended upper service is 150 °C (302 °F); useful properties are retained at cryogenic ranges. The level and stability of dielectric properties are excellent. Mechanical properties include outstanding high-impact strength, cut-through, and abrasion resistance.Typical End ProductsTefzel ™ ETFE HT-2202 is ideal for many end products, including electrical components, such as sleeving, coil forms, sockets, connectors, and switches; lab ware, multi-layer tubing, valves, containers, and fasteners; battery or instrument components that require chemical inertness; and mechanical parts. 与典型值比较 - Upgrade to compare!单位: SI 总览材料状态已商用:当前有效资料 1Technical Datasheet (English)搜索 UL 黄卡The Chemours CompanyTefzel®供货地区北美洲拉丁美洲欧洲亚太地区特性高抗撞击性良好的柔韧性流动性高耐候性,良好耐化学品性能,良好耐磨损性,良好水解稳定用途电气/电子应用领域阀门/阀门部件管件机器/机械部件紧固件开关连接器容器实验室器具形式粒子加工方法Transfer Molding吹塑成型挤出压缩模塑注射成型物理性能额定值单位制测试方法密度 / 比重1.70g/cm³ASTM D792熔流率(熔体流动速率) (297°C/5.0 kg)7.0g/10 minASTM D3159吸水率 (24 hr)7.0E-3%ASTM D570机械性能额定值单位制测试方法抗张强度 (23°C)34.5MPaASTM D638伸长率 (断裂, 23°C)250%ASTM D638弯曲模量 (23°C)1030MPaASTM D790冲击性能额定值单位制测试方法悬壁梁缺口冲击强度 (23°C)无断裂ASTM D256热性能额定值单位制测试方法熔融温度255 到 280°CASTM D3159可燃性额定值单位制测试方法极限氧指数30 到 32%ASTM D2863
- 人气
- 112
- 发布时间
- 2023-11-24 09:34
- 所属行业
- 特种塑料
- 编号
- 40292933