


新泽西城市大学( New Jersey City University)是一所州立综合性院校,位于新泽西州的泽西市,校区面积约46英亩。该校成立于1927年,1988年正式改为现名。新泽西城市大学学校下设三个学院,分别为教育学院,艺术与科学学院和职业培训学院,提供十个专业的学士和硕士学位教育,而该校最为zhiming的专业是音乐和计算机。学校现有3700名全日制本科生和2600名非全日制本科生,以及1400名研究生。NJCU提供32个本科专业及19个研究生项目,现有学生10,000名,来自于全球50个国家,330多个地区。新泽西城市大学 New Jersey City University
入学时间:1月 9月
专业设置:财经,教育,语言,管理,新闻传播,理科学 地质学,历史,生物学,政治学,社会学,哲学,心理学,计算机信息技术,音乐,美术,音响
New Jersey City University
2039 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City, New Jersey 07305-1597
Undergraduate Admissions (888)441-NJCU Graduate Admissions 877-NJCUGRAD
学校优势编辑 播报
New Jersey City University (NJCU) 是一所具有80年历史的美国州立大学,位于美国最大的金融中心之一的Jersey City,与纽约曼哈顿隔河相望仅15分钟路程。2007年美国大学北部排名第58 名, 新泽西城市大学商学院通过美国商学院联盟—ACBSP (Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs)的认证。该校以音乐系最为zhuming,培养了大批学子考入美国zhuming的伊斯曼音乐学院,朱莉亚音乐学院以及曼哈顿音乐学院攻读硕士、博士。其中钢琴专业成绩最为突出,主要由系主任Dr. Min Kim 和 Dr. Adam Kent 授课(任教于曼哈顿音乐学院)。NJCU 艺术气息浓厚,地理位置优越,为学生的表演和就业提供了巨大优势。
专业优势编辑 播报
入学条件编辑 播报
本科:高中毕业,成绩youxiu.需要SAT,ACT,TOFEL,IELTS成绩. (新TOEFL:61以上)
硕士研究生:- TOEFL托福 〉500 (paper) /183(CBT)/67 (IBT) 或IELTS (5.5)
- GMAT > 450 or GRE –视各专业情况
- GPA2.75或以上 (平均分B减以上或者75分以上)
- 大学本科以上学历
申请时间编辑 播报
参考费用编辑 播报
本科: 学费13417美元/学年,杂费2374美元/学年
研究生: 学费14724美元/学年,杂费127美元/学年, 研究生助教将获得助教奖学金3500美元/学年。
奖学金编辑 播报
新泽西城市大学有超过60%的同学接受各种奖学金和贷款、助学金、勤工俭学资助,非本地youxiu学生可获得National Access Award的经济帮助。
英文介绍编辑 播报
Jersey City University (NJCU) is a public university in Jersey City, New Jersey, USA. It is a member of the New Jersey Association of State Colleges and Universities.
New Jersey City University is known to be one of the least expensive universities in New Jersey.
Opened in 1929 as the New Jersey State Normal School at Jersey City, the institution was renamed New Jersey State Teachers College at Jersey City in 1935 and Jersey City State College in 1958, becoming a liberal arts college in 1968. In 1998, the New Jersey Commission on Higher Education approved a change of institutional status and accepted the present name.
The university"s main campus is located on 2039 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City, New Jersey 07305-1597. Originally known by the name Jersey City State. The oldest building on the campus is Hepburn Hall. Designed by Guilbert and Betelle and completed in 1930, the Gothic structure serves as the symbol of the university and features prominently in the school"s publications. A new seven-story Arts and Sciences building designed by architect Michael Graves, known by many of the students on campus as "The Crayola Building", is at the center of the campus. The 77,000-square-foot (7,200 m) building, which replaced for Grossnickle Hall houses 14 classrooms, 10 computer labs, faculty offices for nine departments, and the Office of the Dean of Arts and Sciences. The Fine Arts building on Culver Avenue features a Maya Lin sculpture in the entrance garden area. There are also renovated buildings on West Side Avenue that are part of the school, including the West Side Theater, used theatrical productions and community events. Another houses the Business Development Incubator program. The University"s Athletic Complex is located near Hackensack RiverWalk on Droyer"s Point at Newark Bay. Between these facilities and the main campus, construction has begun on the new "West Campus" between West Side Avenue and Bayfront on Route 440 that will more than double the campus"s total area. The West Campus will include academic buildings, residences, retail spaces, parking, and a "University Promenade."
NJCU serves a large commuter population. There is frequent bus service on Kennedy Boulevard along routes 10 and 99 south to Bayonne or north to Journal Square (JSQ) and the Port Authority Bus Terminal. Along West Side Avenue, New Jersey Transit #80 and other local buses provide frequent service to JSQ. At Journal Square Transportation Center transfer is available to points in Hudson County, Manhattan, Newark, and suburban New Jersey via frequent bus service provided by New Jersey Transit or train service on the PATH rail system.
Hudson Bergen Light Rail is accessible at West Side Avenue to Downtown Jersey City, Hoboken, and North Hudson and alternative PATH connections. The school also offers student discounts on monthly passes for the light rail.
The University also provides a shuttle service which utilizes three separate routes to fit the transportation needs of students and faculty. The first route transports car commuting students and faculty from West Campus Parking Lot #3, located on Westside Avenue, to the Professional Studies Building on the main campus. The second route operates similar to the first route but makes additional stops and pickups at the Athletics & Fitness Center and Visual Arts building. The final route of the shuttle service provides a shuttle drop off at Journal Square (JSQ) that can only be boarded from the Professional Studies Building location and uniquely operates on 30 minute intervals.
Campus living
The University operates three residence halls: Co-op Hall, a corridor-style facility with common area bathrooms and study lounges for freshmen and first year dorm students. Co-op Hall is the most modern of the three residence buildings; Vodra Hall, a traditional dormitory with shared bathrooms between rooms for upper-class students and special needs individuals. This residence hall accommodates 100 students; and 2040 University Apartments, a residence for seniors and twenty-one and up students consisting of apartment-style suites for two and three individuals. All dormitory students are required to be on the university"s meal plan program. Money from the university"s meal plan is stored on the students i.d. card which is swiped for easy payment. The card is usable in both cafeterias on campus as well as the Starbucks near the Science Building. Residents in Vodra Hall also use their ID to access the elevator leading to the upper floor dorm rooms and as swipe-able keys to their room. Any Visitors must leave their ID card at the front desk, and must be out of the dorm before 2 a.m.
NJCU offers a number of clubs for students. One is called Peers Educating Peers (PEP). This program consists of a group of young students who provide research, facts. The students work to inform other peers through meetings, information tables, and presentations on and off of the campus. This program is open to the public.
NJCU provides 4 parking facilities. Lot #1 located on the main campus has garage A&B levels located indoors. Its Capacity is 392 spaces plus 17 handicap parking spots. Is daily fee as of 2012 is $6.00 and with a gothic card $4.00. This option is best suitable for students who attend class in the early morning because after 11 A.M. the lot is normally full. Lot#2 which is a faculty/ staff lot only is located on Westside Avenue and Stegman Parkway. The capacity is 245 spots including 6 handicaps spots. There is no fee in this lot but only authorized access card. Lot #3A West Campus is located off of Audubon Avenue and Westside Avenue with a capacity of 520 spots and 10 handicap spots. The fee for parking in 3A is $6.00 and with a Gothic Card is $3.00. A student can pay a fee of $100.00 to park in Lot #3A for a full semester with the convenience of unlimited entry to the parking lot by use of the Gothic card. Every start of a semester a renewal is necessary in order to continue parking in Lot #3A. Lot#3B West Campus is located off of route 440 North. It’s capacity is 457 spots and 10 handicaps spots. The fee is $6.00 with a Gothic card is $3.00.The Parking and Transportation Services is responsible for the regulation and enforcement of all University parking lots. Any vehicle parked on university property must be in a marked parking space at all times.
The parking is very close to the shuttle terminal. Which makes transportation accessible at all times.
1927: The New Jersey State Normal School at Jersey City was chartered. The institution was built to accommodate 1,000 students and an eight-room demonstration school in its one building, Hepburn Hall, on 10 acres (40,000 m) on what was then Hudson Boulevard.
1935: The name was changed to New Jersey State Teachers College at Jersey City. The institution was authorized to offer a four-year teacher education program and award the bachelor of science degree in education.
1936: A degree program in health education and nursing was initiated in cooperation with the Jersey City Medical Center for the training of school nurses.
1958: New Jersey State Teachers College at Jersey City became Jersey City State College and was authorized to award the bachelor of arts degree.
1959: The institution began to offer the master of arts in elementary education.
1968: Jersey City State College became a multipurpose institution, authorized to develop a liberal arts program and to enlarge its teacher preparation programs.
1985: The institution was awarded a $5.7 million Governor’s Challenge Grant for an expanded Cooperative Education Program, which would serve all academic majors. From that time, Jersey City State College was known as New Jersey’s premier cooperative education college.
1998: The New Jersey Commission on Higher Education approved a petition submitted by the JCSC Board of Trustees requesting that the institution be granted university status and renamed New Jersey City University. The University was restructured into three colleges of Arts and Sciences, Education, and Professional Studies.
2003: NJCU joined with the City of Jersey City, the Jersey City Board of Education, and New Jersey Transit to collaborate on Jersey City Bayfront Plan. New Jersey City University West Campus Redevelopment Plan is a part of this huge project and NJCU is a major player in this University-Community Partnership.
2012: After 19 years, NJCU President Carlos Hernandez will retire. Under his watch, three new buildings were erected, and the College became a University in 1998.
NJCU is organized into three colleges offering 41 undergraduate study and 27 graduate degree programs. The largest and most popular programs of study at NJCU are Early Childhood Education, and Music. In addition, the NJCU Fire Science program is the only university-based bachelor"s degree program in the State of New Jersey.
The NJCU Media Arts Department is the home base and proud sponsor of the annual Black Maria Film and Video Festival, an international juried competition and traveling exhibition which recognizes and supports visually poetic, socially responsive, culturally diverse and provocative independent film, video and emerging media.
The Tuition and Fee Rates for NJCU is a total of $4,673.60 per sememester for full time Undergraduates who are state residents.
The John J. Moore Athletics and Fitness Center (JMAC) is the home of the Gothic Knight basketball and volleyball teams and the focal point for the NJCU athletic department and recreation and intramural activities. The 72,000-square-foot (6,700 m) JMAC opened in the fall of 1994, giving the University one of the finest indoor recreational facilities in the area. The state-of-the-art building features a 2,000-seat basketball and volleyball arena, a fully equipped exercise and fitness center, a 25-yard swimming and diving pool with adjacent sauna, three racquetball courts, a tenth-of-a-mile elevated jogging track, a multi-purpose room for aerobics and classes, and locker room space for teams, students, faculty and staff.
New Jersey City University currently sponsors 12 intercollegiate athletic programs in: baseball, men"s basketball, women"s basketball, women"s bowling, men"s and women"s cross country, men"s golf (debuting in Fall 2010), men"s and women"s soccer, softball and men"s and women"s volleyball.
The women"s bowling team has qualified for all seven NCAA National Collegiate Championship events since the first one was held in 2004. The Gothic Knights have advanced to the national semifinals four times, always coming in even-numbered years: 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2010, finishing third nationally in 2004 and 2008. NJCU hosted the 2010 NCAA Championship.
The men"s basketball team is the oldest and most storied program, having reached the Final Four in 1986 and 1992.哪里可以做美国新泽西城大学毕业证壳子

2023-11-24 15:41