现浇重力式挡土墙定型塑料模板是一种新型的建筑施工模板,具有使用寿命长、重量轻、耐用性好、安装方便等优点。它还具备防水、防腐蚀、隔音、隔热等特性,非常适合用于现浇重力式挡土墙的施工。重力式挡土墙定型塑料模板生产出来的挡土墙外形美观混凝土结实,重力式挡土墙的尺寸很多规格比较大,通常会采用现浇的方式进行定型,模板也会分成多个小的部分,到达施工现场后进行拼接,每块模板的重量是1-2个工人就可操作的。The cast-in-place gravity retaining wall shaped plastic template is a new type of construction template, which has the advantages of long service life, light weight, good durability, and easy installation. At the same time, it also has characteristics such as waterproofing, anti-corrosion, sound insulation, and insulation, making it very suitable for the construction of cast-in-place gravity retaining walls