PC 1201-22 韩国LG PC--Description: LUPOY PC 1201-22 resin is designed for extrusion and injection molding products. It exhibits an excellent physical property balance of heat resistance, transparency and impact strength.
Main Characteristics: FDA, Low Viscosity and Excellent mold release
Applications: Toys, Food utensils, Bottle and caps and Packaging applications
CAS: 103598-77-2
说明:LUPOY PC 1201-22树脂是为挤出和注塑产品而设计的。它在耐热性、透明度和冲击强度方面表现出优异的物理性能平衡。
PC 1201-22物性信息:
比重 | 1.20 g/cc | 1.20 g/cc | ASTM D792 |
吸水率 | 0.32 % @Temperature 23.0 °C | 0.32 % @Temperature 73.4 °F | equilibrium, 50% RH; ASTM D570 |
0.15 % @Temperature 23.0 °C, Time 86400 sec | 0.15 % @Temperature 73.4 °F, Time 24.0 hour | ASTM D570 | |
线性成型收缩率,Flow | 0.00050 - 0.00070 cm/cm | 0.00050 - 0.00070 in/in | ASTM D955 |
熔体流动速率 | 22 g/10 min @Load 1.20 kg, Temperature 300 °C | 22 g/10 min @Load 2.65 lb, Temperature 572 °F | ASTM D1238 |