FUKUDA蓄电池ES7-6 6V7AH胶体溶液阀控电源
By using valves and unique filtering devices, even if there is too much vapor due to temporary battery charging, it can be safely applied without the risk of damage.
Completion of tear free sealing structure
Suspected lithium battery electrolyte seeps into the unique protective plate without any leakage.
It can also be installed in narrow indoor spaces
Can be installed vertically and horizontally, efficiently applying insufficient indoor space.
缺点是初始充电电流过小,充电后期 充电电流又过大充电时间长、析出气体多、对极板的冲击较大、能耗较高、效率较低(不超过65%),在充电过程中需有人看守,一般在初充电和在小电流进行去硫充电才使用。因恒流充电的变型是分段恒流充电,充电时为防止充电后期电流过大,应及时调整充电电流,还应注意充电电流的大小、充电时间、转换电流的时机及充电终止电压的选取等。