华彬中心位于长安街旁、建国门外,占据CBD核心区位,项目总建筑面积11万平方米,写字楼面积5.3万平方米,地上26层、地下4层,由甲级写字楼、商务中心、商业、剧院、俱乐部及酒店等多业态组成的复合式大型商业综合体,为长安街新地标性建筑之一。 华彬中心由世界建筑师事务所“丹下健三”担纲设计,其建筑风格独具一格:两栋方形建筑形成恢宏的“凯旋门”造型,玫瑰金整体色调华贵、时尚。改造后的华彬中心充分运用了环保元素,极富现代感的玻璃幕墙在传达全采光的设计理念采用LOW-E中空玻璃幕墙,达到防紫外线、隔音隔热、通风环保的效果。标准层面积2037㎡,单元面积100—1000㎡,可自由分割。 华彬商务中心为全球商务公司提供即租即用的服务式办公空间,提供先进的办公设备及五星级的配套服务;华彬城市俱乐部拥有中、意、日、法、香槟吧、犇吧六大主题餐厅,提供国际专署个性化服务,满足高端商务及休闲需要;专为会员量身定制的多功能综合剧院,是京城实现可转换功能的剧院,由被誉为世界“歌剧”的多明戈先生担任首席艺术顾问。精品商业率先引进意大利、美国西雅图服装品牌,筑就世界奢品新殿堂;聘请百年世界酒店管理集团的华彬费尔蒙酒店也将在2008年底投入使用,将为写字楼客户提供世界的酒店配套及服务。
Huabin Center is located next to Chang'an Street and outside Jianguo Gate, occupying the core location of CBD. The total construction area of the project is 110000 square meters, with an office building area of 53000 square meters, 26 floors above ground and 4 floors underground. It is a composite large-scale commercial complex composed of multiple formats such as Grade A office buildings, business centers, commercial, theater, clubs, and hotels, and is one of the new landmark buildings in Chang'an Street. The Huabin Center is designed by the world-renowned architect firm "Danxia Jiansan", and its architectural style is unique: two square buildings form a grand "Arc de Triomphe" shape, and the overall color of rose gold is luxurious and fashionable. The renovated Huabin Center fully utilizes environmental elements, and the highly modern glass curtain wall conveys the design concept of full daylight. At the same time, LOW-E hollow glass curtain wall is used to achieve the effects of UV protection, sound insulation, ventilation, and environmental protection. The standard floor area is 2037 square meters, and the unit area is 100-1000 square meters, which can be freely divided. Huabin Business Center provides rental and use ready service office space for global business companies, providing advanced office equipment and five-star supporting services; Huabin City Club has six themed restaurants in China, Italy, Japan, France, Champagne Bar, and Ben Bar, providing personalized international services to meet high-end business and leisure needs; A multi-functional comprehensive theater tailored specifically for members, it is a theater in the capital that achieves convertible functions. Mr. Domingo, who is known as the "King of Opera" in the world, serves as the chief artistic advisor. Boutique commerce is the first to introduce Italian and American Seattle clothing brands, building a new palace of luxury goods in the world; The Huabin Fairmont Hotel, which employs a century old world-renowned hotel management group, will also be put into use by the end of 2008, providing world-class hotel facilities and services to office clients.