1. 增加生物多样性:海洋人工鱼礁岛模具应该提供不同类型的栖息环境,以吸引更多的海洋生物,包括浅水区、深水区、洞穴和凹槽等。
2. 提供适宜的栖息条件:海洋人工鱼礁岛模具应该提供足够的遮蔽和保护,以避免鱼类受到捕食者的威胁,并提供适宜的水温、光照和氧气等环境条件。
The mold for marine artificial fish reef island is filled with a large opening at the top, consisting of concrete and steel bars poured together to replace natural fish reefs. The overall mold is designed with holes, and the demolding method used is demolding. The construction of artificial reef islands can contribute to the protection and restoration of the marine ecological environment. It can provide a habitat and breeding ground for organisms, increase the number and variety of marine organisms, and promote the balance and stability of marine ecosystems. In addition, artificial reef islands can also serve as marine tourist attractions, attracting more tourists to come and experience the marine ecological environment.