Introduction The current global crisis and other socio-economicand political eventshighlight the need for a better understandingof future (medium/long term) developments in transport and logistics systems and networks worldwide in acontext of sustainability. Quite surprisingly, although transport and logistics are ratherrelevant sectors in globalgrowth and trade, literature on futurescenarios of logistics systems, identifying potential agents of change and forecasting new trends in global patternsof medium/long term logistics flows, turns out to be quite limited. While purely forecasts oflogistics parameters and variables areeasily ailable from a variety of sources, we found that studies using and strategic approaches inthe building of future scenarios are mostly developed for sectors other than logisticsand transportation (e.g., manufacturing).Therefore there is the need to address the issueof scenariobuilding in thefield of global logistics through anefficient strategic method. Although few studies (the most relevant being Lapide’s MIT SC2020 Project: Supply ChainsFutures) he thus far adopted it, the Strategic Planning Approach (SPA) provides justsuch methodology.Methods The paper seeks to fill this gap byemploying a quali- methodology based on the SPA to provide a number of macro medium termscenarios in the field of global logistics and assessing the impacts on the European area.Following a comprehensive literature review, a preliminary grid of maindrivers of change is derivedto be presented for focus groupsanalyses. The groups are representative of both supply and demand perspectives within the global logistics sector.Results The analyses are conducted in a semi-structured interviews format where a numberof strategic scenarios for global logistics are built - each scenario defined in termsof a combination ofstrategic drivers. In particular, results showhow a specific model at the macro level - Symmetric Global Logistics Model (SGLM) - will be likely toprevail on a global scale, in which two fundamental sub-components (local/global) will playa determinant role.The impact of the SGLM is then strategicallyassessed with regards to European logistics systems.Conclusion In conclusion, Europe is likely to face astrengthening of both its logistics and industrial capabilities - though at a differentpace of development withrespect to emerging economies - in acontext in which North African and Eastern European markets will play a fundamental role inproductionlogistics platforms." "森鸿物流随着对外贸易的不断发展,公司规模迅速发展壮大
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