建筑水沟管廊混凝土流水沟框架格模板的加工方式是现场浇筑,这种施工方法有许多的好处,是可以根据施工现场的实际情况,将模板进行组装固定,更加适合施工场地,现场浇筑省去了搬运的麻烦,因为混凝土制品的重量都不轻,人工搬运比较的困难,多数时需要借助一定的工具,浇筑的生产方式可以将模具首尾固定一定的长度在进行浇筑 ,施工进度得到提高。
The concrete drainage ditch frame formwork for building drainage ditches and pipe corridors is an important technical means to solve geological disasters in mountain construction and improve urban drainage efficiency. Hebei Hongxu Mold Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is committed to the research and development and production of various molds to meet the needs of the market and customers, and provide reliable guarantees for mountain construction