FEDEX联邦快递是世界上的快递运输公司,为220个提供快捷、**的服务。我们在快递行业的成功要归功于我们的全体员工,我们也为员工营造一种良好的工作环境,鼓励他们不断变革**,为我们的客户提供服务。 我们关心员工的福利,肯定他们对公司的贡献。这些承诺都源于我们的企业哲学:员工--服务--利润。我们期待着那些有志成为成功团队一员、具有奉献精神的人士联邦快递,并致力于我们的客户提供超值的服务。加邦快递,与这个世界上的快递企业在中国共同发展。国际快递(不含私人信函);国际流通物流业务;进出口业务及相关服务;包括自营或代理货物的进口、出口业务,接受委托为出口加工企业提供代理进出口的业务;提供海运、空运、陆运进出口货物的国际运输代理业务等。
公司将随着市场不断的变化,不断**满足客户的需求。在国际快递业务上我们主要同国际同行FEDEX、DHL、、UPS、EMS建立长期的伙伴关系,为客户提供的延伸和增值服务。我们逐步和国外同行合作,在美国、英国、日本、韩国、新加坡、中东等建立 专线,形成自己的网络和特色。我们提供完整的物流增值服务。可以帮助我们的客户设计物流方案,解决企业遇到的物流问题。从而达到经济效益和效果的更优化。我们提供二十四小时全天候客户支持。依凭互联网络技术支持,备专人为您进行实时货件查询、跟踪,直至国外客户签收!
FedEx is a member of the American FedEx Group and is the backbone of the group's express transportation business. FedEx Group provides customers and businesses worldwide with a range of services covering transportation, e-commerce, and business operations. As a long-term negative enterprise, FedEx Group provides a comprehensive set of business application solutions through a competitive and coordinated management operation model, resulting in an annual revenue of up to $32 billion. FedEx Group has inspired more than 260000 employees and contractors under its umbrella to pay high attention to issues, adhere to ethical and professional standards, and meet the needs of customers and society to a certain extent, making it repeatedly rated as a globally respected and trusted employer.
FEDEX FedEx is a global express transportation company with a scale, providing fast and * * delivery services to more than 220 countries and regions around the world. FedEx has a global air and land transportation network, which usually takes only one to two working days to quickly deliver goods with tight deadlines and ensure timely delivery. FedEx's service range covers regions that account for 90% of the global gross domestic product, and can provide door-to-door, agent customs clearance international express services within 24 to 48 hours. The company's route rights and infrastructure make it a global express company, providing timely express transportation services to 214 countries and regions. FedEx delivers over 3.1 million packages per workday, with over 138000 employees, 42969 delivery points, 643 aircraft, and 43000 vehicles worldwide.
FedEx Special Offers: FEDEX chemicals exported from Shanghai are currently receiving strong shipments. For small shipments arriving in Europe on the same day of export from Shanghai, you can experience FedEx's international express service at the price of ordinary express, and for European shipments above 21KG, the price service is available