Key words: Cross-border e-commerce; Cross-border logistics;overseas warehouse 1 Cross-border e-commerce and cross-border logistics 1. 1 Cross-border e-commerce 1. 1. 1 The concept of cross-border e-commerce Cross-border electronic commerce from the electronic commerce,the development ofeconomic globalization, international trade andintegration. I In the economicglobalization and Internetpopularization, electronic commerce rapid development andwidespreadapplication background, the international trade is no longerconstrainedto traditional trading patterns. With differentcountries on demand and supply ofgoods, with the help of theInternet and othere-commerce transaction platform, belong todifferent countries, both parties canrealize online commoditytrading, payment and settlement, financial services, etc. ,andoffline cross-border logistics realized commodity spacedisplacement of the electronic commerce application mode, namely the cross-bordere-commerce.Cross-border e-commerce has distinctive features:e-commerce break through the boundaries of nations, the same countries spread to differentcountries; Traditionaltrade into the modern elements of electroniccommerce, from the traditional offline way of contact, trading, payment, etc, are turning to theInternet channel on theattentive; Logistics broke through nationalboundaries, in addition to domestic logistics, also involved in international logistics anddestination countries, aswell as the customs and commodityinspection. 继欧美地区之后,东南亚地区在跨境电商卖家的眼中俨然变成了掘金宝地如何扩大跨境电商市场规模,降低跨境电商交易成本,实现降本增效,是我国跨境电商发展亟需解决的问题
东欧同时,我国还应鼓励对跨境电商物流供应链延伸与服务进行创新,促使物流供应链能够集合物流、 贸易、 信息与资金四大要素不断创新与发展, 形成物流 + 服务体系
教育部在 2019年才开设跨境电商*,国内高校对这方面的人才培养也处于摸索阶段