本公司经销合信/CO-TRUST科思创西门子PLC;S7-200S7-300 S7-400 S7-1200 触摸屏,变频器,6FC,6SNS120 V10 V60 V80伺服数控备件:原装进口电机,电线,电缆,希望能跟您有更多的合作机会
概述Fuse SystemsP_I201_XX_08896
Mandatory basic protection in electrical installations
Overcurrents in electrical installations occur as a result of excessive load or short-circuits and can cause serious accidents, fires and financial damage. Appropriate protection devices have therefore been mandatory ever since electricity was first harnessed to power equipment. As a pioneer in fuse systems, we offer you the complete range of devices for the protection of cables as well as electrical devices and installations in the event of overloads and short- circuits.
Fuses are capable of safely switching off circuits as soon as an overload or short-circuit occurs. This prevents damage to electrical equipment or extended power failures. Specific variants of fuse systems are used for different applications.
Among other things, our fuses are used for protecting cables and lines, switching devices and semiconductors as well as in photovoltaics and wind power.
Further information:
Topic page
System overview fuse holders and bases
Fuse links
Overview of fuse systems according to IEC
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