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SIMATIC S7-1500 Advanced Controller with CP 1543-1
Communications processors for SIMATIC S7-1500 Advanced ControllerThe CPs for Advanced Controller SIMATIC S7-1500 relieve the CPU of the controller from communication tasks due to their microprocessor. They also enable additional connections and communication options, e.g. with programming devices / PCs, host computers, operator control and monitoring systems and SIMATIC S7 systems.
CP 1545-1 with CloudConnect functionality enables easy and reliable transfer of all IoT data from SIMATIC S7-1500 to MindSphere or a cloud solution that supports the standardized MQTT protocol, e.g. Microsoft Azure or IBM Cloud.
Easy expandability of the SIMATIC S7-1500 system with additional communications interfaces.
Relief for the CPU
Communications processors relieve the load on the CPU of the controller from communication tasks.
Simple configuration
Standard engineering with TIA Portal STEP 7 enables easy and fast programming, networking and commissioning.