ACRYLITE"Heatresist hw55丙烯酸聚合物是一种基于甲基丙烯酸甲(MMA) 的共聚物,具有用于注塑应用的共聚单体成分。丙燃酸盐耐热性聚合物的典型性能是:优异的耐候性、高透光性、高机械强度、高表面硬度和抗损伤性、良好的熔体流动速率、多功能的着色性。ACRYLITE"Heatresist7W55聚合物的特殊性能是:高耐热性、高熔体强度、改善的物理性能。对异丙醇的耐受性,用于高热应力应用中的技术零件的注射成型。 when higeat resistance and liahting efficency is desired ACRYLTE" Heatresist acryi compounds provide the solution. They offer all he advantages of PWMA includinoweatherability and optics but provide another level of heat resistance. These copolymers are based on methy methacrylate (MMA) with comonomeronstituents, They are ideal for technical parts subiected to hioh thermal stres, ACRYTE Heatresist modind and extrusion compounds are ofered in tworedes, ACRY. E nw3 and ACRY. 5 er the o owno eners xce ent weatherno characersics Han oht ransm sson -ion mechanica surenoHigh surlace hardnes and mar resistance AMECA isted ACRYITE Hearesist hw55 provides maximum hea resistant properties and the hiohest tensile andlexural strength of all orades of ACRYLITE polymer. Best IPA (alcohol) resistance of any ACRYLITE" arade.