阿联酋迪拜自有品牌展览会 PLLME
迪拜世贸展览中心 DWTC
这项为期三天的活动每年仅举办一次,得到了来自全球 50 多个国家的 6,000 多名参观者的认可,其中不乏该地区的人士;亚马逊、家乐福、阿尔迪、纳兹集团、希尔顿逸林酒店、露露超市、阿联酋航空、Landmark Group、Aster Pharmacy 等,使其成为同类中唯一的自有品牌和合同制造活动。
非食产品:洗涤设备、零售 便利店、超市、医药店、汽车服务、形象设计、速印冲印、婚纱摄影、旅游、图书音像、家政服务等其他加盟连锁机构等;家居饰品、钟表、家具、厨房用品、服装服饰代理加盟、体育用品专卖、女性用品、专卖、黄金珠宝、眼镜、文具、网络资讯、房产中介、汽车美容养护、装修设计等;
The Middle East Dubai Private label and Franchise Fair (PLLME) is the world's FMCG contract fair and the largest and most comprehensive private label and franchise fair in the Middle East. Meet with global private label suppliers to offer a wide range of products to enhance your competitive edge in the market. Buyers can find a direct source of cost-effective customizable products, brands and packaging solutions, the globe brings together food and non-food suppliers, private label and contract manufacturers from more than 30 countries, all in the same Hitotsu Yane no Shita and easily accessible. The three-day event, held only once a year, was endorsed by more than 6,000 visitors from more than 50 countries around the world, many from the region; Amazon, Carrefour, Ardi, Naz, Hilton, Lulu, Landmark Group, Aster Pharmacy, Emirates, make it the only own brand and contract manufacturing activities in the same category. Manufacturers will explore opportunities at the show to use excess capacity to build more profitable product lines. Meanwhile, brand owners, category managers, purchasing officers, distributors, traders, buyers, chefs, and other product developers discovered thousands of products, to win customers with their own unique brand products. There will also be a conference for Middle East Private label and licensing, where industry private label contributors will give presentations on new trends and case studies, giving you the opportunity to connect and get key industry insights at the source. The quality of the audience is outstanding and the development potential of the Middle East and North Africa is huge