2023-10-18 03:03  浏览:10








8.园区简介:保利朝林文创园位于北京市朝阳区崔各庄机场辅路122号首都机场辅路绿化带南侧,紧邻民航博物馆。由保利集团下属公司投资开发,总占地约40亩,其中一期已改造完成,可租赁建面约1.2万平米, 均为1-2层建筑。保利朝林文创园园区及周边绿化率高,环境优美,属于低密度建筑群落,配套比较完善。保利朝林文创园所在区域属于朝阳中央别墅区,依靠机场高速和首都机场辅路,可快速通达北京各地 崔各庄站 。距15号线马泉营站、崔各庄站直线距离4km 。 驾车至UCP车程约6km需13min,至UBP车程约 8.5km需21min,至首都机场约12km需17min 。公交有民航博物馆公交站一条公交线路359路,从东 直门外沿机场高速与机场辅路通达首都机场。保利朝林文创园北侧与机场辅路相隔绿化带,西侧和南侧 为中国民航博物馆、民航局空管局,东侧为混凝土公 司与搅拌站  项目周边:1km内有卓锦万代、远洋ALIVE等别 墅小区,周边有地坛医院、蟹岛度假村、观复博物馆, 生活配套较为完善。配置“一心五厅”服务设施,满足入驻客户的餐饮、展览展示、运动健康、商务会议等需求,综合文体活动中心  除网球、羽毛球等 运动外,可用作体 育比赛或小型音乐 会等场地。Poly Chaolin Cultural and Creative Park is located in the south of the green belt of the Capital Airport Auxiliary Road, No. 122, Cuigezhuang Airport Auxiliary Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, close to the Civil Aviation Museum. It is invested and developed by a subsidiary of Poly Group, covering a total area of about 40 mu. The first phase of the project has been completed, with a leasable floor area of about 12000 square meters, all of which are 1-2 floors. Poly Chaolin Cultural and Creative Park and its surrounding areas have a high greening rate and beautiful environment, belonging to a low-density building community, with relatively complete supporting facilities. Poly Chaolin Cultural and Creative Park is located in Chaoyang Central Villa District. Relying on the airport expressway and the capital airport auxiliary road, it can quickly reach the Cuigezhuang station in Beijing. The straight-line distance from Maquanying Station and Cuigezhuang Station of Line 15 is 4km. It takes 13min to drive to UCP about 6km, 21min to UBP about 8.5km and 17min to Capital Airport about 12km. There is a bus line 359 at the Civil Aviation Museum Bus Station, which connects to the Capital Airport from Dongzhimenwai along the airport expressway and the airport auxiliary road. The north side of Poly Chaolin Cultural and Creative Park is separated from the airport auxiliary road by the green belt, the west and south sides are the Civil Aviation Museum of China, the Air Traffic Control Bureau of the Civil Aviation Administration, and the east side is the concrete company and the mixing plant.  The project is surrounded by Zhuojin Wandai, Yuanyang ALIVE and other villa communities within 1 km, and the surrounding areas are Ditan Hospital, Crab Island Resort, and Guanfu Museum, with relatively complete living facilities. Equipped with "one heart and five halls" service facilities to meet the needs of the settled customers for catering, exhibition and exhibition, sports and health, business meetings, etc. The comprehensive cultural and sports center can be used for sports competitions or small concerts, in addition to tennis, badminton and other sports.

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