HG系列逆变直流 氩弧/手工焊/切割 三用机※ 采用场管全桥逆变主电路及进口大功率器件MOSFET。※ 具有输出电流无级调节、过流、过压、过热自动保护功能。※ 氩弧焊/手工焊/切割,三种功能于一体。※ 体积小、重量轻便于携带、效率高、节能省电使用成本低。※ 广泛用于,各种不锈钢、碳钢、合金钢和铜等金属材料薄板及中板的焊接及切割。※ 特别适合维修业的多用途焊接。 ※ By using frequency inverter transformer technology, and full-bridge inverter main circuit import power MOSFET devices. ※ Output current level is not regulated flow, and over-voltage and overheating protection function automatically. ※ Guts/the argon are welding/manual arc welding three kind of functions to a body, may realize long distance welds, shears/the short distance to weld, to shear the transformation. ※ Small size. light weight, high efficiency energy cons ervation province electrcity, the use of Iow cost※ Widely used in all kinds of stainless steel, carbon steel, alloy steel, alloy steel, copper and other metal plates and the plate welding and cutting.※ Especially suitable for the multi-purpose maintenance welding.
型号 Model | 输入电压(V)Required power | 额定输入容量(kvA)Rated input capacity | 额定负载持续率(%)Rated Duty cycle | 最大切割厚度NAE Cutiing Ply | 品质切割厚度Qualigy Cutting Ply | 输出电流范围Outting Current Range(A) | 体积LxWxH(mm) Dimensions | 重量Weight | 销售代码 |
氩氧焊TIG | 手工焊MMA | 切割CUT |
HG-4160 | (单相)220v±10% Single Phase | 4kvA | 35% | 12mm | 5mm | 5-160 | 20-130 | 10-40 | 470x220x380 | 20kg | 01013002 |