DP5660 DP5661 DP5612

DP5660 DP5661 DP5612

Datapaq® DP5First of a new generation of profiling solutions fromFluke Process InstrumentsProcessInstrumentsTechnical DataDATAPAQ DP5 data loggerThe Datapaq DP5 range of loggers is intendedfor use in short and medium duration thermalprocesses; the design is optimized for lowheight and fast reading capabilities.The Datapaq DP5 has been designed to ensureminimum cost of use and achieves this bymaking use of ‘off the shelf’ charging andcommunication leads.In addition all of the Datapaq DP5 loggersfeature a rechargeable and user replaceableNiMH battery pack, combining ease of use withlowest running costs. The user replaceablebattery charges from flat to usable in just fiveminutes. A full charge takes only 90 minutesand can provide 20 profile runs.Available in 6 and 12 channel configurations, withlogger height as low as 11.7mm (0.46in) and asnarrow as 57mm (2.24in) — choose the unit to fityour process.• Communication with the Insight software is viaUSB or Bluetooth• Compatible with the TM21 radio telemetrysystem enabling real time data collection fromthe harshest of environments.*The Datapaq DP5 is available in a number of formatsensuring the best match of profiler to processrestrictions.* Contact Fluke Process Instruments for availability oftelemetry/Bluetooth in your country.Process InstrumentsMachined-from-solid aluminum caseUses industry standardType K thermocouples –easily availableRadio telemetry optionavailable on all modelsIntelligentbattery chargemanagementBluetooth communicationCharge from any USB outletHigh speed USB interfaceClear status indicationRuggedThe Datapaq DP5 is housed in a ‘machined fromsolid’ aluminum case ensuring maximum protectionfor the electronics when used in an industrialenvironment.Easy to useThe simple color coded two button interface ensuresthe system is easy to use.Ready for useThe ability to recharge from any USB outlet resultsin a logger that is always ready for use. The USBcharging combined with a logging time in excess of24hrs, on a single charge, ensures Datapaq DP5 isready when needed.Time saving – multiple profile capabilityThe logger can store up to 10 profile runs beforebeing returned to the PC for download and detailedanalysis. This enables rapid verification of a numberof ovens with no wasted timeImmediate results – from within the processThe powerful built-in & harsh-environment radiotransmitter provides real time data from withinthe process opening a ‘window’ into the process,speeding up fault finding and process optimizations.DP5660The most frequently specified version of theDatapaq DP5, the DP5660, is used in short durationlow height processes in electronics and coatingcuring applications.DP5661The DP5661 is used where height and width areboth severely limited.DP5662The DP5662 is used where width is limited.DP5612The DP5612 offers 12 channel capability in aneasy to use and rugged package using standardthermocouple connectors.Data Logger Datapaq DP5Process InstrumentsModel DP5660 DP5661Height 11.7mm (0.46in) 11.7mm (0.46in)Width 106mm (4.10in) 60mm (2.30in)Length 150mm (5.90in) 301mm (11.8in)Weight 0.3kg (0.66lbs) 0.3kg (0.66lbs)Model DP5662 DP5612Height 20.0mm (0.70in) 20.0mm (0.70in)Width 57mm (2.20in) 106mm (4.10in)Length 165mm (6.40in) 165mm (6.40in)Weight 0.3kg (0.66lbs) 0.3kg (0.66lbs)Technical SpecificationsNumber of channels 6 or 12Thermocouple types Type K using industry standard miniature sockets (N and Tversions are available to order)Temperaturemeasurement range -100°C to 1,370°C (-148°F to 2,498°F)Accuracy +/- 0.5°C (+/-0.9°F) (for sampling interval > 0.4 seconds)Resolution 0.1°C (+/- 0.18°F)Sampling speed 50ms to 10 minutesMaximum operatingtemperature85°C (185°F) NOTE: to preserve the accuracy of the readingsthe logger will switch off at this temperature and warn theoperator.Start triggers Manual, rising temperature and time triggers can be used tostart the loggerStop triggers Manual and falling temperature to stop the loggerMemory size 50,000 readings per channel (fixed)Battery life Up to 25hours continuous measurements at 1 second sam-pling or 20 profile runs at 0.5 second with download to PCBattery charge time 1.5 hours from flat using USB power outlet, 14 hours from PCMultiple run capability Up to 10 profile runs before returning to PCCommunication USB A to USB mini B connection cableBluetooth Up to 5m (16ft) range can be used
2020-11-02 15:46
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