出铁槽浇注料是以铝矾土、刚玉、碳化硅为主要原料、超微粉结合的低水泥浇注料,其耐磨性好,耐铁水冲刷性能强。 The iron groove castable is a castable with low cement and ultramicro powder combimed, which is mainly made of bauxite, corundum and silicon carbide . It has good abrasion resistance and strong flushing resistance . | |
出铁槽修补料是以优质镁砂为主要原料,引入无机纳米粉体作为烧结剂制备而成。本产品施工方便,在出铁槽凹坑处干式捣打即可,其在低温下(<300℃)便能实现自烧结功能,能保证高温使用性能,是出铁槽理想的修补料。 The iron groove repairing material is made of high quality magnesite ,inorganic nano powder is introduced as sintering agent. The construction process is convenient, dry ramming in the groove of the iron trough , it can sinter under low temperature (< 300 ℃), it can guarantee high temperature performance at the same time, it is the ideal tank repairing material for the iron. |
产品牌号Brand | CX-FTC | CX-FTR | |
Al2O3+ SiC / % ≥ | 85 | — | |
MgO% ≥ | — | 80 | |
体积密度 Bulk density / g. cm-3 ≥ | 2.75 | 2.75 | |
耐压强度 /MPa ≥ Crushing cold strength | 110℃×24h | 40 | 20 |
1550℃×3h | 60 | 40 | |
线变化率 Permanent linear change / % (1550℃×3h) | -1~+1 | -1~+1 | |
适用于 | 出铁槽浇注 | 出铁槽修补 |