额定起重量 | 3500(kg) | 耗能方式 | 燃料叉车 |
型号 | hh35 | 货叉长度 | 1070(mm) |
载重量 | 3500(kg) | 货叉最低位 | 150(mm) |
行走方式 | 内燃式叉车 | 工业车辆 | 集装箱叉车 |
特种行业 | 集装箱行走吊 |
structure characteristics: powerful, economical and comfortable
lseat: seat could be adjusted back and forth. the loading capacity of the seat can be automatically according to body weight, thereby to make operation comofortable. safety belt is equipped to ensure driver’s safety.
l货叉下降缓冲系统: 货叉下降即将接触地面时,货叉逐渐减缓下降速度,减少碰撞并可降低噪音。
lfork buffer system: when the forks are landing to touch ground, it will speed down to reduce impact and noice.
ø悬浮式车体 suspension vehicle body ø人性化操作 humanism operation interface ø门架智能缓冲 mast buffer system ø液力车电子换挡 hydraulic electronic shifting ø减震座椅 suspension seat ø倒车照明灯 backup light
概要 |
产地 |
origin |
zhejiang huahe forklift company |
型号model |
hh35z |
动力形式power type |
柴油diesel |
额定载荷rated capacity |
kg |
3500 |
载荷中心距load center |
mm |
500 |
尺寸 |
起升高度lift height |
mm |
3000 |
自由起升高度free lift height |
mm |
130 |
货叉尺寸fork size |
n*u*l |
mm |
1070*125*50 |
门架倾角mast inclination |
front/back |
deg |
6/12 |
前悬距front o-verhang |
mm |
490 |
外形尺寸 overall dimensions |
总长length to face of fork |
mm |
2730 |
总宽overall width |
mm |
1225 |
门架不起升高度 mast lowered height |
mm |
2095 |
安全架高度 overhead guard height |
mm |
2120 |
最小转弯半径turning radius |
mm |
2200 |
最小直角通道宽度min. right angle aisle width |
mm |
2105 |
性能 |
行驶速度travel speed |
no load |
km/h |
9/20 |
full load |
mm/s |
8.8/18.5 |
无载最大起升速度lift speed |
mm/s |
480 |
最大爬坡度max. gradeability |
% |
20 |
最大牵引力max. drawbar pull |
kn |
13 |
自重self weight |
kg |
4700 |
轮胎 |
轮胎tires |
前轮front |
28*9-12-12pr |
后轮rear |
6.50-10-10pr |
轮距tread |
前轮front |
mm |
1000 |
后轮rear |
mm |
970 |
轴距wheelbase |
mm |
1700 |
最小离地间隙(空载/满载) min. ground (no ldad/full load) |
门架mast |
mm |
152/132 |
车架frame |
mm |
158/138 |
动力与传动 |
蓄电池battery |
电压voltage |
v/ah |
12/90 |
发动机engine |
型号model |
3.5t |
产地origin |
chinese |
额定功率rated output/r.p.m |
kw/r.p.m |
37/2650 |
额定扭距rated torque |
n.m/r.p.m |
148/1800 |
汽缸数no.cylinder |
4 |
排量displacement |
cc |
2540 |
类型type |
液力hydraulic |
档位shift |
前后(fwd/rwd) |
1/1 |
工作压力operating pressure |
mpa |
17.5 |