Japan FB Battery provides the energy to reliably operate transportationsystems.
As the development of transportation systemsengenders demands for greater comfort and
convenience in the movement of people and goods,the energy necessary to power transportation
systems becomes more and more Battery provides energy used in
automobiles, trains, ships, and all other modesof transportation in helping to move society forward.
The exceptional power of FB Battery.
We make energy that opens the door to progressand is
friendly to the environment.
Our products respond to0ngoing needs forlighter weight and higher capacity—that goes
without saying. We at Furukawa Battery, however,are also making valuable contributions to
the research and development of solar powergeneration systems, which would provide an
endless source of energy, electric vehicles, andother systems and products.
As a general manufacturer of electric powersources, we combine cutting-edge technical
capabilities with a wealth of knowledge inapplying the exceptional power of FB Battery to
pioneer new developments in the provision anduse of electric powFB古河蓄电池有限公司授权的代理商,享有“现货供应,特价”的特权,是华北地区唯一享有特权机构,不仅价格享有优惠,长期保持现货供应,并有厂家精心培养的一条龙服务团队,受到国内外数百家大型知名企业,建立了长期合作关系,
(1) 深度放电后回充性强,甚至在放电后在未及时补充电的情况下容量能得到回充。
(2) 是理想的用于循环使用的电池——适于每天使用。
(3) 长时间放电具有优良的性能。
(4) 更适合高温的环境使用。
(5) 适用于电力干线供电不稳定的环境。
(6) 无流动性的胶体电解液,使电解液在电池内部不产生分层现象。
(7) 无需均衡充电。
(8) 自放电小。
(9) 非常准确的酸量控制,有效地保护了正极板并极大地提高了电池寿命。
(10) 采用厚极板,减小了板栅的腐蚀,并极大的提高了电池寿命。
(11) 内阻低,充电接受能力强。
(12) 与AGM电池相比,在正常的充电条件下,电池内部水份损耗非常小。
(13) 德国先进技术造就的高分子聚合物隔板,提高了电池的性能及寿命。
(14) 超高机械强度隔板的应用,避免了短路产生的可能。
(15) 在没有完全充足电的情况下,可以对电池进行放电,且对电池不会有任何损坏。
<密闭结构(Sealed Construction)
<电解液悬浮系统(Electrolyte Suspension System)
<气体再组合(Gas Recombination)
<使用免保养(Maintenance-Free Operation)
<任何方向可使用(Operation In Any POSTTTION)
<低压力排气系统(Low Pressure Venting System)
<高负荷格子体(Heavy Duty Grids)
<低自行放电-长保存寿命(Low Self Discharge-Longshelf Life)
<宽广的温度使用范围(Broad Operating TemperatureRange)
<高回复容量(High Recovery Capabillity)
<警报系统(Alarm Systems)
<有线电视(Cable Television)
<通信设备(Communications Equipment)
<控制设备(Control Equipment)
<电子收款机(Electronic Cash Registers)
<电子测试设备(Electronic Test Equipment)
<电动轮椅(Electronic Powered Wheelchairs)
<紧急照明系统(Emergency Lighting Systems)
<防火或保全系统(Fire & Security Systems)
<地理设备(Geophysical Equipment)
<海洋设备(Marine Equipment)
<医学设备(Medical Equipment)
<办公室微处理机(Micro Processor based OfficeMachines)
<可携式电影和电视灯光(Portable Cine & VideoLights)
<电动工具(Power Tools)
<太阳能系统(Solar Powered Systems)
<电信系统(Telecommunications Systems)
<电视和录像机(Television & VideoRecorders)
<不断电系统(Uninterruptible Power Supplies)