我公司生产的存储卡包括:AT系列、SLE系列FM系列、ISI系列等,从1K到64K位不等,广泛应用于数据存贮,电话卡和校园卡等各个领域. A.SLE系列:购电卡、购热卡、美食卡、地卡、银行加密卡等。 B.FM系列:俱乐部卡(外单)、预付(外单)、可热转 印白卡(外单)等。 C.ISSI系列:暂住证、锁卡、电表卡等。 D.AT系列:泊车卡、驾校卡、税控卡等。
Storage card is a kind of contact mode card. There is a chip-trough on one side of the card. The capacity of the chips ranges between 1kbit and 64kbit. we mainly adopt chips of ATMEL series as follows:
Technical specification:
AT24C01: 1k bit
AT24C02: 2k bit
AT24C04: 4k bit
AT24C08: 8k bit
AAT24C16: 16k bit
AT24C64: 64k bit
Operating frequency: 1MHz(5V) 1ZHz(2.7V) 400KHz(1.8V)
Operating voltage: 5V10%, min 1.8V if required
ICC current: Read: max 1MA Write: max 3MA
Operating temperature: 0-70, Exceed this range if required
Writeerase: 1,000,000
Data retention: 100yares
ESD protection: 4000V
Application area: Data storage, phone card, campus card and so on.
电 话:0755-82619917
传 真:0755 82616892
邮 箱:kaisere@chinaiccard.com
网 站:.alibaba.com
地 址: 中国 广东 深圳市 深圳市罗湖区罗芳南路68号中震大厦15层