· 英国夏令营不随行同意函标准模板
Dear Visa Officer:
I, (full name and passport number), am the father (or mother) of:
Full name 全名: _________________ ______
Passport number 护照号: _________________
Date of Birth 生日: _________________ ____
I am writing to give consent for my child to travel with below accompanying adult(s)/unaccompanied to go to the UK to participate in a summer/winter school programme organized by 英国培训机构名称. I confirm that I am willing to cover all financial costs towards the visit and have sufficient funds available to do so. Furthermore, I agree for 英国培训机构名称 to be responsible for our child’s accommodation, travel, care and reception in the UK.
Full name全名: 陪同领队/大人名字+护照拼音 ; Passport number护照号: _ __;
Full Name 全名: 陪同领队/大人名字+护照拼音 ; Passport number 护照号: _____________;
Date 日期: _________________ Signature 签名: __________________