德国柏林维纳斯国际成人用品展览会VENUS创办于1997年,由柏林会展集团公司主办,venus-festival是以成人用品、网络与多媒体为主要展示内容的専業性贸易展会。经过20年的发展壮大,该展现已发展成为欧美地区颇具代表性的専業贸易型展会,展会共分普通展区和専業展区,普通展区对普通消费者和専業观众开放,専業展区仅对専業观众开放。専業的B2C & B2B展馆区分定能让贵司满载而归。
Erotic star Lena Nitro (36) is one of the German veterans in the industry and was awarded a VENUS Award in 2022 in recognition of her long-standing contributions and exceptional achievements. She has a large fan base and is one of the most recognizable faces in the industry: “For me, VENUS is a unique opportunity every year to meet fans, friends, and business partners. I’m excited to officially represent VENUS and expect a full house at the fair.”
Anike Ekina (38) is perhaps the most famous firefighter in Germany. She lives near Hamburg, is a passionate musician, DJane, and a successful influencer at the same time: “I’ve been to VENUS many times; for me, it’s a unique event that you can only find once in the world.”