德国柏林维纳斯国际成人用品展览会VENUS创办于1997年,由柏林会展集团公司主办,venus-festival是以成人用品、网络与多媒体为主要展示内容的専業性贸易展会。经过20年的发展壮大,该展现已发展成为欧美地区颇具代表性的専業贸易型展会,展会共分普通展区和専業展区,普通展区对普通消费者和専業观众开放,専業展区仅对専業观众开放。専業的B2C & B2B展馆区分定能让贵司满载而归。
RoxxyX (34) is a tattoo and erotic model and has been a regular part of VENUS for many years. She has also been moderating the VENUS Awards for several years: “Besides hosting the Awards this year, I’m excited to take on additional representative duties for VENUS. The days of VENUS are always beautiful and intense at the same time.”
Italian erotic and fetish icon Diana Fetish embodies modern erotica like few others: “I love VENUS because something special happens during these days, a real spark in the heart of Europe. There are no judgments and no hypocrisy anymore; you can finally be everything you truly want to be.”