BB蓄电池UPS12220W (MPL55-12)参数特点
高能量输出,高循环使用寿命、高功率之优点。适用在高功率的精密机械及高效能的UPS不断电系统使用在安全的使用环境时,免保养,免加水,可重覆循环使用.电槽外壳经超音波特殊密封,置放时不受方向、位置之限制,除依印刷字体方向置放外,亦可以倒立放置、横向放置等各种放置方式,均不影响其安全与功能。 以特殊配方的铅钙合金及全自动化制造,品质稳定产品不会产生危险气体。
BB蓄电池UPS12220W (MPL55-12)参数特点
BP series is the first model in AGM battery family. lts designation positions as a commonly usedbattery. It has been comprehensively installed in many applications. EP, EB, EVP series are createdalong with electric bike/motorcycle. They are featured with a long cycle life. They are sold topower tools, wheel chair, golf car, etc. HR, SHR series are developed to satisfy the increasingdemand on high rate/super high rate discharging in recent UPs market, It demonstrates a costeffective desian and professional technique on production.