GBT39841-2021 超声波燃气表Ultrasonic gas meters测试灰尘
试验采用 4 组不同尺寸的灰尘,每组中 95%的灰尘颗粒大小在下列相应尺寸范围内
a) 0um~100 um;平均大小( 50士10)um;
b) 100 um~200 um;平均大小(150 士10) um;
c)200 um~300um;平均大小(250士10)um;
d) 300pm~400um;平均大小(350士10)um。
四氧化三铁(Fe304) 79%;
三氧化二铁(Fe203) 12%;
二氧化硅(Si0) 8%;
一油漆残片 1%
EN 14236:2007(E)
Specification of contamination dust
Four separate batches of dust shall be used with 95 % of the particles in each batch in the appropriate size range given below:
a)0 um to 100 um Average size (50士10) um;
b) 100 um to 200 um Average size (150士10) um;
c) 200 um to 300 um Average size (250 士10) um;
d) 300 um to 400 um Average size (350士 10) um.
Each of the above batches shall have a composition by mass of:
Black iron oxide(Fe3O4) 79 %
Red iron oxide (Fe2O3) 12 %
Mineral silica flour (SiO) 8%
Paint residual flake 1%