1.标本采集后尽早进行提取,提取按相关文献进行,提取后应尽快进行实验。若不能 马上进行试验,可将标本放于-20℃保存,但应避免反复冻融
2.不能检测含 NaN3 的样品,因 NaN3 抑制辣根过氧化物酶的(HRP)活性。
3.组织处理:切割标本后,称取重量。加入一定量的 PBS,PH7.4。用液氮迅速冷冻 保存备用。标本融化后仍然保持 2-8℃的温度。加入一定量的 PBS(PH7.4),用手 工或匀浆器将标本匀浆充分。离心 20 分钟左右(2000-3000 转/分)。仔细收集上清。 分装后一份待检测,其余冷冻备用。
人寡聚蛋白(oligomeric)ELISA试剂盒常见问题解答:问:我可以使用试剂盒说明书中不推荐的样本类型吗?答:我司试剂盒已针对试剂盒说明书中列出的样本类型进行了验证。除已验证的样本类型外,其他样本类型尚未进行测试。有关更多信息可联系我司技术服务部门为您解答。Q:Can I use a sample type that is not recommended in the kit insert?A:The kit has been validated for the sample types listed in the kit insert. Sample types other than those validated have not been tested. Contact Technical Service for further information.问:我的样本生成的值超出了分析的动态范围,我能用这些样本值么?答:建议仅使用标准曲线范围内的样本值。标准曲线范围之外的值通常是非线性的,这可能会导致错误的外推值。产生高于zui高标准值的样品应()稀释并重复测定。如果样品低于测定范围,则认为样品不可检测。Q:My samples generated values that were outside the dynamic range of the assay. Can I use these values?A:It is recommended that only sample values that fall within the range of the standard curve be used. Values outside the range of the standard curve are generally non-linear, which can lead to incorrectly extrapolated values. Samples that generate values higher than the highest standard should be (further) diluted and the assay repeated. If samples fall below the range of the assay, the sample is considered to be non-detectable.