GYTA53 光缆的结构是将 250µm 光纤套入高模量材料制成的松套管中,松套管内填充防水化合物。缆芯的中心是一根金属加强芯,对于某些芯数的光缆来说,金属加强芯外还需挤上一层聚乙烯(PE)。松套管(和填充绳)围绕中心加强芯绞合成紧凑和圆形的缆芯,缆芯内的缝隙充以阻水填充物。涂塑铝带(APL)纵包后挤一层聚乙烯内护套,双面涂塑钢带 (PSP)纵包后挤制聚乙烯护套成缆。
♦ 具有很好的机械性能和温度特性
Excellent mechanical and temperature performance
♦ 松套管材料本身具有良好的耐水解性能和较高的强度
Special tube filling compound ensure a critical protection of fiber and resist the water.
♦ 单根钢丝作为纵向中心强度构件
Single steel wire as the central strength member to withstand axial loads.
♦ 良好的抗压性和柔软性
Good compression resistance and softness
♦ 波纹钢带纵向包裹缆芯,提供良好的抗压性
Corrugated steel tape longitudinal cover cable core and provide good crush resistance.
♦ PE护套具有良好的抗紫外线功能
PE sheath protects cable from ultraviolet radiation.
♦ 完全缆芯填充 ****
Core filling water prevent cable jelly to ensure the cable watertight.
♦ 涂塑铝带(APL)防潮层
AL tape longitudinal cover cable core as moisture barrier.