


2024年1.12-14,北京国家会议中心--------ISPO Beijing 2024亚洲运动用品与时尚展将继续起航,围绕:户外运动,冬季运动,运动训练,露营生活,城市运动,运动科技与新材料,展示露营,滑雪,水上运动,攀岩,骑行,健身,瑜伽,功能性面辅料。2024.1.12-14中国国际山地与冬季运动机械设备博览会aboutAlpitec China中国国际山地与冬季运动机械设备博览会 Alpitec China 将于2024年回归, 疫情前规模超过5,000平米的展出面积,展商来自11个国家和地区, 欧洲的滑雪目的地国家纷纷组团来参展, 每届与ISPO一起举办,专业观众都超过3万人。Alpitec China will be back during January 12 – 14, 2024. Before Covid-19 pandemic, the trade fair’s size was once over 5000 sqm. Exhibitors come from 11 countries and areas. Many of the European ski resorts nations come and exhibit in forms of national pavilions. Together with ISPO,more than 30,000 trade visitors come and visit the shows.让三亿人参与冰雪运动的伟大号召,2022冬奥会的成功举办,迅速催熟滑雪运动,也托起了中国人自己的滑雪产业。作为从2009年就开始在国内举办的Alpitec China,有幸成为行业发展过程的一部分。“To bring about 300 million populations onto snow”, the well-known slogan of Beijing Winter Olympic Games, has actually made ski sports become popular in China, and made ski resorts a business for Chinese people. Alpitec China, starting from 2009, was honored to be a part of this development.2021/22雪季,中国的滑雪场数量为697家,滑雪人次达到了2,124万人次。在北京、新疆、河北、吉林、陕西、四川、黑龙江、内蒙古等地新建24个索道系统。全国雪场一共采购了51台压雪机。目前中国滑雪场一共试用735台雪道休整设备,雪枪总数超过10,000台。雪板、雪具、雪服租赁也处于高速增长阶段。By the end of 2021 season, the number of outdoor ski resorts in China has reached to 697. The visits reached to 21.24 million. In the year of 2021 alone, there were 24 ropeways systems to be built, 51 snow groomers to purchase. Up to today, Chinese total number of snow groomer is 735,snow machines over10,000across the country.后冬奥时代,从2024年展望中国的滑雪场产业, 雪场建设方兴未艾。作为行业平台,Alpitec China也将时不我待,展会将依托国际平台的优势,将国外最新的资讯带到北京。我们也在积极邀请国内近750家室外、室内滑雪场,除了创始人董事长莅临,还将重点邀请运营负责人、招商和销售经理到场。除了参观展览会,主办方也将通过亚太雪业大会,组织国内外雪圈同行就以下方向进行深入探讨:1. 中国滑雪场趋势;2. 雪场运营培训班;3. 跨界品牌、赛事活动与雪场合作共赢;4. 俱乐部、旅行社对接雪场度假产品;5. 室内滑雪场的趋势、运营培训、营销和销售;At the post-Winter-Games era, outlooking from 2024, it is believed there will be more and more ski resorts to be launched. As the sector platform, Alpitec China is trying to catch up with the time by introducing more international brands and operation practice to China. In the meantime, the organizer will pool all the nearly 750 outdoor and indoor ski resorts. Besides the owners, we also focus on inviting the operational functions, marketing functions and sales managers. Through Asia Pacific Snow Conference, we put together all the professionals above, and plan to discuss the topics as follows:1. China ski resorts trend;2. ski resorts operations workshop;3. cross-over brands/ events and games cooperate with ski resorts4. ski clubs / OTA helps sell5. everything about indoor ski resorts – trend, operating, marketing, tickets etC;Alpitec China 2024回归的消息一经发布,就得到了xingyelingxian品牌的热烈响应, 例如:Upon the announcement of Alpitec China’s return to China ski resorts sector, many leading brands and past exhibitors immediately express their interests in participating, being eager to show up at Alpitec China:北京起重运输机械设计研究院有限公司北京起重运输机械设计研究院有限公司,简称北起院,成立于1958年,经过半个多世纪的发展,成为集科研、设计、生产制造、安装调试、工程承包、检验检测、咨询监理服务为一体的国有科技型企业,隶属于世界500强企业。波马嘉仕其(北京)索道有限责任公司HTI集团是一家高度全球化的高科技集团,旗下涵盖索道、压雪机、履带式车辆、造雪系统、城市交通运输系统和风力发电六大业务板块。集团内部高效的战略协作和联络,创造了高价值的协同效应,也使得HTI集团成为世界上第一个冬季运动技术全产业链供应商。波马北京为HTI集团旗下POMA集团位于中国的全资子公司,目前主要致力于POMA索道、PRINOTH压雪车、DEMACLENKO造雪系统三个品牌的销售、项目管理、运营和维护等服务。Alpitec China也将携手ISPO, 在冬季运动、户外装备、山地运动线路产品开发、旅游目的地等行业细分板块儿,整合资源,提升观展的效率和效果。Alpitec China joins hands with ISPO, especially in the niche market: winter sports, outdoor equipment, mountain sports services, tourism destination products, trying to mobilize and integrate the resources of all parts, hoping for a maximum effect both for exhibitors and professional visitors.展品类别Exhibits Scope雪道设施缆车、吊椅设备设施魔毯设备缆车生产与维修设备造雪设备设施压雪车雪道修建、养护车辆和机械设备雪道运输车辆和全地形运输车辆山区安全、急救和防护机械设备冬季乐园、娱乐场设备设施门票和门禁管理系统雪道标志冬季运动设备维修保养和停放机械设备滑雪场、滑雪学校和雪具租赁设备比赛活动的配套设施滑雪场规划、设计和建筑滑雪场和房地产经营投资咨询顾问特殊专业协会、机构和服务部门专业买家Professional Visitors雪场的管理者:总经理、董事长雪具大厅经理雪场运营经理雪场设备设施采购经理滑雪场咨询、规划、施工方滑雪场投资方品牌展商Past Exhibitors*下滑发现更多同期活动·亚太雪地大会 2024Major Event: Asia Pacific Snow Conference 2024( APSC 2024)疫情三年将国内外交流阻断,2024年的亚太雪地大会主论坛则将聚焦”连接”与”国际同行”,主办方将邀请国内外嘉宾分别就滑雪产业白皮书、蓝皮书内容解读、国际赛事、杰出雪场运营、国内外雪场youxiu规划等话题来分享。目前我们邀请到了:伍斌老师的白皮书解读、卡宾滑雪的冰雪蓝皮书内容预热、魏庆华老师的雪场规划、中国索道协会秘书长黄老师关于中国山地景区的分享、关于中国室内滑雪场趋势报告、雪场四季运营的杰出代表分享、重要赛事活动如亚冬会、意大利冬奥会的分享等等。Since the pandemic broke off the communication between China and the world, APSC 2024 shall emphasize “Connection” and “International Counterparts”. We will invite speakers to share topics on “white paper”, “Blue paper” “International Winter Sports Games” “Outstanding ski resorts and planning” etC. So far, we have /confirm/ied: Mr. Wu Bin on white paper, a glimpise of the contents of 《Blue Book of Ice and Snow Sports》 by Carving Ski Gorup,Mr. Wei Qinghua of China Mountain Development on ski resorts planning, Mr. Huang Pengzhi, the president of China Ropeway Association, important sports games like: Italian Winter Games 2026, Asian Winter Games 2025 etC."除此,我们还将在主论坛重磅推出一场圆桌讨论:”中国: 冬季运动和冬季旅游大国—事实还是假象? 深度解读冬季运动热背后的真相”。这是一篇来自于Hermann Winkler先生联合一众品牌 (Alpitec China也有幸参与)在2018年所做的行业研究报告。本次圆桌谈论则是在报告的五年后,回顾与展望。我们将当时参与报告的52位受访者请回来现场,期待通过这样一个时间跨度为五年的回顾,激发xingyezhuanjia对下一个五年的展望。Besides, a very important and informative panel discussion will be presented grandly: “ China – a giant national of winter sports and winter tourism – true or false? One deep insight to its truth behind the heatwave of winter sports”. This is a report made by Mr. Hermann Winkler with some institutes ( Alpitec China is one of them) in the year of 2018. The Panel topic will be focused on the outcome,reviewing. In 5 years’ time span, in five year time span, with the experts intervewed coming back to the sight, we have good reasons to expect the true insight to be inspried, as well as new outlook for future 5 years to come."伴随主论坛,今年还将设置平行论坛,分别就运营培训、跨界品牌合作和雪场产品售卖提升等热点话题聚焦。Along with the main forum, some parallel sessions will be operation workshop, cross-over consumer brands to cooperate with resorts and how to improve sales performance by introducing more clubs, OTA channels etC.中国的室内滑雪场发展如火如荼, 目前全国已有50家雪场,主办方将联合室内滑雪场lingxian品牌 – 热雪奇迹, 推出室内滑雪场产业主题分论坛,努力给大家把室内滑雪场产业链条上的要素呈现出来,探讨室内外滑雪场的相同和差异,助力产业健康发展。Indoor ski resorts developing fast in China. Up to today, there are 50 venues built and operated across China. As a result, Alpitec China invite the leading brands – Bonski to host a parallel forum on indoor ski topic. We are inviting all the 50 existent venues and try to find more in planning or under building to the site, endeavoring to present all the key factors that compose of the sector. Through this forum, professionals will identify the differences and the commons between indoor and outdoor ski resorts. Together, for a shared bright future!热雪奇迹BONSKI作为国内lingxian的冰雪运动、赛事、训练等娱乐新消费场景全链条运营服务商,目前,热雪奇迹运营足迹遍及全国20多个城市,覆盖广州、成都等核心客源地,致力于为大众提供家门口的一站式四季畅滑服务,助力滑雪运动的高质量普及。Being the national-leading integrated service provider covering winter sports, education and new forms of entertainment-oriented consumption, Bonski has provided indoor and outdoor ski venues in more than 20 cities up to today, and such cities are including Guangzhou, Chengdu, from which the key sources of consumers would come. Bonski is dedicated to providing a four-season, one-stop ski service for the people living nearby, devoted to helping snow sports gain high-quality popularity.

2025-02-17 10:28