鸡胃蛋白酶(PP)ELISA试剂盒检测原理:样本必须为液体,不含沉淀。包括血清、血浆、尿液、胸腹水、脑脊液、细胞培养上清、组织匀浆等。1ml的全血可得到0.5ml的血清或血浆。每个标本量收集体积=100ul x 检测种类。取材前像我司销售人员所要说明书。产品规格:96T/盒可检测90个样;48T/盒可检测42个样。检测方法:ELISA。应用范围:仅供科研使用。鸡胃蛋白酶(PP)ELISA试剂盒使用前注意事项:1)实验开始前要将试剂盒取出室温放置30-40分钟,使各种试剂都恢复到室温以使检测结果更为稳定。2)检测前样本要澄清不能含杂物,并检查各种仪器(打开酶标仪稳定20分钟左右)3)尽量做双标准实验,这样可以保证数据的准确性。Precautions 1. Do not substitute reagents from one kit to another. Standard, conjugate and microplates are matched for optimal performance. Use only the reagents supplied by manufacturer. 2. Do not remove microplate from the storage bag until needed. Unused strips should be stored at 2-8°C in their pouch with the desiccant provided. 3. Mix all reagents before using. Remove all kit reagents from refrigerator and allow them to reach room temperature ( 20-25°C)